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Electronic Voting System through Blockchain

Blockchain Voting System
In the election season, people always comment on the candidates' vote, but also on the fraud, mistrust, and lack of citizen participation in this act of democracy. Millions of dollars have been invested by the CNE for the elections held this year. 17 Million dollars in ballots and 52 million dollars to shield its electoral system. (Daily The Universe)
This amount, some specialists consider, is an exorbitant amount that has only brought an immense bureaucracy and has not managed to solve the main problems that our democracy presents. Due to this problem, we want to propose a solution with the help of technological advances to several of these issues: inefficient bureaucracy, the transgression of the vote, distrust, and opacity.
Despite the digitization of several important aspects of modern life, elections are still largely made on paper. Electronic voting has been considered a promising development that could accelerate, simplify and reduce the cost of elections, and could even lead to a greater number of voters and the development of democracy.
It was possible to see in the recent elections that public skepticism about current voting systems persists. One solution in matters of information security is the chain of blocks. Like the accounting methodology behind bitcoin and other electronic currency initiatives, blockchain provides a technological framework for the transparent management of records. The success of cryptocurrencies based on blockchain technology has put this technology to the test for the first time applied to bitcoin (bitcoin was launched in 2009) in an environment as sensitive as the economic one, where it has been possible to verify security and robustness, also validates the concept of registration or distributed consensus, which allows to register efficiently and secure transactions of virtual elements. (Follow my vote)
Blockchain is a technology that allows to verify, update and maintain all the data of a network in a decentralized and independent way, eliminating intermediaries. Therefore, it empowers a shared database, which functions as an encrypted digital record book and shared among distributed computers. All transactions are transparent and permanently registered. Blockchain can be understood as a system in which information is encrypted in blocks of information and where the votes of an election could be stored. Pilkington, M. (2015)
Normally, votes are recorded, administered, counted and verified by a central authority. Electronic voting based on Blockchain (BEV) would allow voters to have more confidence in the automatic counting of votes, allowing them to have a copy of the voting record. The historical record could not then be changed by someone or because other voters would see that the decision differs from theirs.
One way to develop a BEV system for electronic voting is to create a new customized system, designed to reflect the specific characteristics of the elections and the electorate. 
Blockchain experts are discussing a new generation of "techno-democratic systems", and we can already see the emergence of virtual equivalents of national administrations, based on blockchain technology. However, in the short term, the strongest potential of BEV can be in organizational and non-national contexts. In fact, they have been used for the internal elections of the political parties and the votes of the shareholders in Isreal. (European Parliament Research Service)
With blockchain the vote would be immune to attacks and only the extra-virtual question would remain. For this, the use of private voting booths is the only guarantee against fraud. In this way, a process managed by the people would be constituted, transparent, decentralized and from the bottom up. In countries such as Denmark, this technology has already been used for the internal elections of the Liberal Alliance Party (Crytocoins News)
In a survey of US voters published in December, Edelman Intelligence found that 35 percent are concerned about the accuracy of the voting technology used, and 69 percent would support initiatives to improve voting technology. (Government Technology Magazine)
Willem Wyndham (2016) Designed a way to encrypt electronic ballots and store them in a chain of blocks, voters' receipts would use randomly generated numbers. After the election, a voter could check online with the number and confirm that their vote was received and counted. It is a way to have a transaction that is visible, but still private.
"Digital voting has been implemented in some places, but there are problems with accountability, the ability to audit these systems, the ability to adapt systems to meet the voting needs of different countries, which makes people feel uncomfortable. "," Blockchain technology could be used to guarantee the integrity of electronic voting. "If one of them is hacked or one of them is altered, all others would be able to notice that change," said Juan Guerrero, the expert in senior security with the Global Research Analysis Team and the Kaspersky Lab analysis team. (Government Technology Magazine)
Antonio Bermúdez (2016) made a proposal for the use of blockchain protocols in an electronic Blockchain voting system, in which he defines an electronic voting scenario using technologies based on decentralized systems and analyzes it by taking an example of the implementation of this technology in cryptocurrencies mainly bitcoin, giving a solution of the implementation and deployment of an electronic voting system, analyzing the weaknesses and disadvantages with respect to the current voting systems based on centralized storage and transaction processing technologies.
If the chain of blocks as a concept survives the enormous expectation it is causing, it could introduce a level of democracy and objectivity in the digital world hitherto unprecedented and unattainable in the "physical world", which transforms this time of change into a change of time. In this journey, new applications will be discovered and implemented that will imply a relevant change in the technological and financial paradigm, full of innovation opportunities for the technology industry in general.
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